Excerpt Properties Screen To access the Excerpt Properties Screen for an existing Excerpt, from the Tizra Control Panel, go to CONTENT Excerpts and select an Excerpt from the list. To create a new Excerpt, see the instructions here. For a complete definition of an Excerpt, click here. The Excerpt Properties screen is where you can set and edit the Excerpt’s metadata. The metadata describes the content of the Excerpt, the two required elements being its “parent” Document, listed in the Excerpt’s Original Document field, and the range of pages extracted from the Document to define the Excerpt, its Range Expression. Any system property name for an Excerpt that matches a “parent” Document’s system property name, will have its entry automatically copied from the parent property into the matching Excerpt property. You can change the Excerpt property, if needed. Links to all field names on the Excerpt Properties screen are listed below. Click on a link to view its definition. + New Property (for Excerpts) Publish Automatically? Live URL (for Excerpts) Generate Downloadable PDF? Staging URL (for Excerpts) Display Table of Contents (for Excerpts) Testing URL (for Excerpts) Make this Excerpt Free? Excerpt ID Attachments (for Excerpts) Secure Referrer URL (for Excerpts) Publish (an Excerpt) Original Document Unpublish (an Excerpt) Title (for Excerpts) Save (an Excerpt) Range Expression Delete (an Excerpt) Custom URL (for Excerpts) Publish Metadata, leaving PDF and/or Attachment as is Tag(s) (for Excerpts) Don’t Update Publication Date
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