We’ve included some examples below as an introduction to just a few of the many ways you can set up Offers. Example A: You might create a Collection of all the Content on your site and then create the following Offers for the Collection: Offer #1: Free 3-day trial for on-line access to the Collection. Offer #2: 1-month subscription for on-line access to the Collection for $25. Offer #3: 1-year subscription for on-line access to the Collection for $125. You could display the Offers on your web site’s home page, as well as having them automatically display on Access Denied pages. Example B: You may sell books (Documents) and have created Excerpts of all the books’ first chapters. You could then create the following Offers on the Documents and their Excerpts: Offer #1: FREE on-line access and downloadable PDF for the Excerpt of the first chapter. Offer #2: On-line access to the entire book for $30. Offer #3: On-line access to the entire book PLUS the ability to download a PDF of the book for $50. You could display the Offers using the Tizra System default, which would present the Offers on the book’s Table of Contents page (and whenever a User tries to access Content to which they do not have access privileges). Example C: You might create a Collection of Documents in your system which you want to promote among a select group of Users only. You would then create the following Offer: Offer: Twenty percent discount for access to the Collection for a group of specific Users. Users are sent a promotional email with a link to the Offer’s web site page and the Offer is not displayed publicly. Again, there are many way to create Offers. How you create your Offers depends on your own organization’s needs. If you need to create multiple Offers at one time, please see the Applying Offers to Large Numbers of Documents, Excerpts or Collections section for more information Links to all field names on the Offer Properties screen are listed below. Click on a link to see its definition. +New Property (for Offers) Live URL (for Offers) Staging URL (for Offers) Testing URL (for Offers) Offer on (Collection) Offer Name Blurb Tag(s) (for Offers) Pricing Duration Multi-pack Offer Concurrent Access Limitations Include PDF Downloads? Include Attachments? Allow Source Downloads Page Sampling Limit to Meta Type Automatically Show Offer when Relevant Offer Validity Dates Offer Available to Require Offer Unlock Code Publish (an Offer) Unpublish (an Offer) Save (an Offer) Delete (an Offer) Publish metadata only, leaving PDF as is (for Offers) Don’t update publication date (for Offers)
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