Rename offers based on destination (Figure 230): Figure 230 If you select the Keep current offer name(s) field, all new Offers will have the same name as the “master” Offer you are copying FROM. If you leave the default selection of Set name based on destination, the Tizra Publisher system will include the name of the Document, Excerpt or Collection within the Offer Name for the Offers you are copying TO. For example: If you have a Document titled “War & Peace” the Offer Name would then be “Offer on War & Peace.” Copy Access Control Status (Figure 231): Figure 231 If you select the Change access control status to match source field, the Tizra Publisher system will copy the setting from the Make this Document, Excerpt or Collection Free (either Yes or No) on the Document, Excerpt or Collection Properties screen for the “master” Offer that you are copying FROM. For example: You may have multiple Documents that you made free on your web site (you selected Yes in the Make this Document Free field on their Document Properties screen).Now you want to create Offers and charge for those Documents. When copying the Offer, you would select the Change access control status to match source field, so that the Documents you are copying TO will no longer be free. They will have the Make this Document Free field set to No and the Price associated with the Offer will apply.
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