Figure 115 User Tip: If you want the entire Document downloadable (not just the individual Excerpt sections associated with the Document), create an Excerpt of the entire document. To do this, make the Excerpt a page range from 1 – 1,000 (or some other number that is higher than your estimated last page number for the Document). 4. Click the Publish button at the bottom of the Document Properties or the Excerpt Properties screen and then select Staging to preview the downloadable Excerpt privately. OR Click Staging & Live to publish the downloadable Excerpt to your Live web site. Note: Depending on how your site’s Stylesheet is configured, an Adobe Acrobat PDF icon will display on the Document’s Table of Contents page on your web site (if you’ve elected to show the Table of Contents for the Document), next to any Excerpts you’ve made downloadable (Figure 116). The appearance of the Adobe Acrobat PDF icon next to a particular Table of Contents (TOC) entry is also determined by whatever Excerpt starts on the exact same page as is referenced by that TOC entry. So for example, if you want the Adobe Acrobat PDF icon to appear next to page 2 of a Document’s TOC, then the Excerpt you create must begin on page 2. Figure 116 i !
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