7. If you want to create a NEW Master Block: Note: If you are adding a new Master Block that you want to leave empty Slots in (e.g., for a page shell which needs to have openings for different blocks on different Page Types), make sure those Slots are empty when you create the Master Block. Leave the default selection of “Create New” and enter a New Name in the Create/Update Master Block dialog box (Figure 597). Figure 597 If you want to update an EXISTING Master Block: Note: If you are updating a Master Block that you want to leave empty Slots in (e.g., for a page shell which needs to have openings for different blocks on different Page Types), make sure those Slots are empty when you update the Master Block. Select the “Update Existing” option and then select an existing Master Block name from the drop-down list (Figure 598). Whatever you dragged onto the Master Blocks area of the Palette in Step 6 will overwrite whichever Master Block’s name you select from the drop-down list in this step. Figure 598 8. If you created a new Master Block, it will be available for use in the Palette (Figure 600). If you updated an existing Master Block, those changes will be reflected anywhere that Master Block appears on your Page Types (Figure 599) and the Master Block on the Palette will also contain those changes. ! !
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