Applying Offers to Large Numbers of Documents, Excerpts or Collections You can set up one Offer for a Document, Excerpt or Collection and then copy the terms of that single Offer to other Documents, Excerpts or Collections. This saves you the time of having to create multiple Offers that all contain the exact same metadata. 1. From the Tizra Control Panel, go to CONTENT Documents, Excerpts or Collections (Figure 223). Figure 223 2. In the list of Documents, Excerpts or Collections, select the one for which you wish to create the “master” Offer. 3. On the Document, Excerpt or Collection Properties screen, click the Create Offer button (Figure 224). Figure 224 4. On the Creating New Offer screen, fill out the fields as described in The Offer Properties Screen section and click Save. The Name, Offer On and Price fields are the only fields that are required. 5. Go back to CONTENT Document, Excerpt or Collection. 6. From the list, select the checkboxes next to those Documents, Excerpts or Collections you wish to have the “master” Offer copied TO (Figure 225).
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