Applying Designs to Staging, Live and Testing Sites You can Apply your designs to your Live, Staging (and Testing) sites. Note: Whatever design you apply to your Staging site will also be applied to your Testing site, but the Testing site will treat you as an Unauthenticated User and will intercept you via access control and present sales Offers that may be in place. When you click the Apply button next to a particular design (Figure 544) on the Library screen, you are prompted to choose to apply that design to your Staging or Live site (Figure 545). When you make that choice, the design will be applied, meaning you will see whatever elements are part of that design on your Staging (and Testing) or Live sites. Figure 544 Figure 545 When you make and save changes in any of the PRESENTATION areas (Properties, Global Header, Stylesheet, Layouts, Images), YOU ARE ALWAYS MAKING CHANGES TO THE STAGING SITE. The changes will NOT be visible on your Live site UNTIL YOU APPLY THE CHANGED DESIGN TO YOUR LIVE SITE. (Also See: Step 7 of the A Beginner’s Guide to Making Design Changes section). Different designs can be applied to Staging and Live, meaning you could have Design 1 for your Staging site and Design 2 for your Live site. IDEALLY, ONCE YOUR SITE IS LIVE, YOUR DESIGN SHOULD BE APPLIED TO BOTH STAGING AND LIVE. !
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