Publish (an Offer) When you click the Publish button (Figure 192), you have the option to publish the Offer to Staging or to Staging & Live. When you publish to Staging you are publishing the Offer to a private web site and the public will NOT be able to see the Offer. You can then use the Testing URL to view the Offer on this private, Staging web site and you will be able to see the Offer as any User who has full access privileges to the Offer would see. When you publish to Staging & Live, the Offer is published to your Live, public web site (and also to your Staging and Testing web sites). Important Note: Once you have published an Offer to your Live web site, any changes you make and SAVE on the Offer Properties screen will AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE THE OFFER ON YOUR LIVE WEB SITE. Figure 192 !
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Publish (an Offer) When you click the Publish button (Figure 192), you have the option to publish the Offer to Staging or to Staging & Live. When you publish to Staging you are publishing the Offer to a private web site and the public will NOT be able to see the Offer. You can then use the Testing URL to view the Offer on this private, Staging web site and you will be able to see the Offer as any User who has full access privileges to the Offer would see. When you publish to Staging & Live, the Offer is published to your Live, public web site (and also to your Staging and Testing web sites). Important Note: Once you have published an Offer to your Live web site, any changes you make and SAVE on the Offer Properties screen will AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE THE OFFER ON YOUR LIVE WEB SITE. Figure 192 !

