Save As Button When you click the Save As… button at the bottom of the Library screen (Figure 515), WHATEVER DESIGN IS CURRENTLY IN STAGING will be saved, under whatever name you give it when prompted. Figure 515 For example, If the existing Staging design is called “Our Current Design” and you clicked the Save As… button, you would be prompted for a new Name. You might save it as: DATE Backup of Our Current Design. You can use the Save As… button in two different ways. One, as illustrated in the example above, is to use it to create a BACKUP of the design currently in Staging, assuring that if you make any mistakes in your design changes, that you have a backup to revert to (apply back to Staging) and, that if any forgotten or unknown design changes exist, they will be saved as part of the backup and will not be overwritten. The other way to use the Save As… button is to save your iterative design changes WITH MEANINGFUL NAMES. This helps you keep track of exactly what elements are part of each design, and makes it easy to choose which design to revert back to (apply back to Staging), in the event that you make any unwanted changes. For example, Assume that the design you currently have applied to your Staging site is called “Our Black Text Design.” Using the PRESENTATION design tools, assume you change the text to red. You could then click the Save As… button and when prompted, give the design a name such as “Our Current Design with Red Text.” Then, you would Apply “Our Current Design with Red Text” to your Staging site and continue making additional changes. Assume you then changed the button background color to blue. You could click the Save As… button again, name the design now currently in Staging “Our Current Design with Red Text & Blue Buttons,” Apply that newly “saved as” design to Staging, and continue making changes. If at any point during the design change process you want to revert back to the design with just the red text (apply back to Staging), the design can easily be found based on its meaningful name.
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