Important Notes When working with the PRESENTATION tools, there are some important concepts to keep in mind: To take FULL advantage of all the design tools, you need to know HTML and CSS. Before Applying Designs to your Staging site, make sure you save any work you want to keep on the current Staging design using the Save As… or the Save button on the PRESENTATION Library screen. It is generally not a good idea to have more than one person working on the design for a particular site at one time mostly because of human factors (you'll get confused). It's fine to have multiple people doing design work in separate sites. Also see A Beginner’s Guide to Making Design Changes. If you are using the advanced Workbench tool to move collections of blocks from one design to another, be careful when doing that with Master Blocks. The safest thing to do is to disaggregate the Master Blocks before putting them into the workbench so they become like normal Blocks. Also see: Steps 3 and 4 of the Editing Existing and Creating New Master Blocks section. !
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