Staging URL (for Offers) Note: On sites using the Shopping Cart feature, the full offer page is typically NOT part of the interface presented to end users. The Offer’s Staging URL (Figure 161) allows you to view the Offer on a private Staging web site that is NOT visible to Users. Keep in mind that when you are viewing the Offer via the Staging URL, you can see the Offer exactly as it would appear to someone with full access privileges to the Offer. To see it as a User WITHOUT full access privileges, use the Testing URL link. The Staging URL is useful if you’ve made changes to the Offer, have published the Offer to Staging only and then want to view the changes to the Offer before publishing the changes to your Live web site. Important Note: Once you have published your Offer to your Live web site, any changes you make and SAVE on the Offer Properties screen will AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE THE OFFER ON YOUR LIVE WEB SITE. Therefore, if you want to change the parameters of an Offer, but do not want the changes made live immediately, you can Unpublish the Offer, make the changes and then publish to Staging Only until you are ready to publish it to live again with its changes. Figure 161 ! !
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