4. In the Create Excerpt dialog box, enter the page range of “1- the last page # of the Document’s PDF and then click Next. For example: If your Document’s PDF is 386 pages, in the Create Excerpt dialog box you would enter “1-386”. Figure 132 Note: In the example above, entering a page range that has a number higher than the last page of the Document’s PDF such as “1-500” would also create an Excerpt of the entire book. Note that when you enter a number that is higher than the last page of the Document’s PDF, Tizra will update the Excerpt’s page Range Expression field with the correct last page number once the Excerpt is published (to Staging or Live). The higher page number does, however, remain part of the Excerpt’s Title, so you may want to update the Title to reflect the correct page range (the Excerpt’s Title typically only displays on your website if Users hover over a downloadable PDF’s icon in the Document’s Table of Contents or if you’ve chosen to display the Table of Contents for the Excerpt). 5. Your newly created Excerpt of the entire book will appear in the Excerpt List for that Document. Click on the newly created Excerpt (Figure 133). !
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