What to do with PDF Bookmarks Before Tizra Upload Note: We’ve listed this as part of the guidelines for PDF preparation because the majority of our customers want to display a Table of Contents (TOC) (Figure 2) for their online material. If you do not want an online TOC -- if you are publishing short, academic papers that do not include TOCs, for example -- then these steps would not be required. See PDF Bookmarks within Tizra --Overview for more information. User Tip: If you are already in the PDF creating bookmarks, you can run the Optimizing the PDF for Online Publishing profile to help ensure best results when uploading and displaying your PDFs in Tizra. Figure 2 To make sure that the PDF Bookmarks upload properly into Tizra, follow these steps: 1. Create Bookmarks in the PDF (if they do not already exist). 2. Edit any existing or new Bookmarks in the PDF for spelling errors, missing spaces, etc. 3. Delete any unwanted Bookmarks. ! i
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