Figure 29 6. IMPORTANT: Create Logical Page numbers for the remainder of the PDF and/or for any other PDFs that are contained within the Document. Once you have created Logical Page numbers for one set of pages in a PDF, you must create Logical Page numbers for all other pages of the PDF. For example, if you have front matter with Roman numerals i-x, and the remaining pages numbered 1-200, you would create one set of Logical Page numbers for pages i-x and another set for pages 1-200. If your Document consists of multiple PDFs (separate PDFs for each chapter, for example), you need to apply Logical Page numbers to ALL PDFs. Lastly, if you have chapters that end with one number and then begin on a non-sequential number, you will need to create multiple sets of Logical Page numbers for each non-sequential chapter. For example, you might have a book in which all the chapters start on odd-numbered pages and you’ve deleted any blank even-numbered PDF pages that fell between the chapters. If this book were made up of two non-sequential chapters: Chapter 1, pp. 1- 25 and Chapter 2, pp. 27-50 then you would create two sets of Logical Page numbers: one set for pages 1-25, the second for pages 27-50. Important: Each Logical Page number must be unique. !
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