Embedding Required Fonts Important Note: For your PDFs to work in Tizra, it is required that AT LEAST the font SUBSETS be embedded in the PDF. The steps below assure that the font subsets will be embedded. Note that in order for these steps to work, the required fonts must be present in your system’s font folders when completing the steps. Tizra recommends (but does not require) that the fonts be fully embedded (not just subsetted). The best time to fully embed fonts is when the PDF is created from its source material. User Tip: If you are already in the PDF embedding required fonts, you can run the Optimizing the PDF for Online Publishing profile to help ensure best results when uploading and displaying your PDFs in Tizra. 1. To check if fonts are already embedded, in Adobe Acrobat go to File Properties and click the Fonts tab. If all font entries say "embedded" or "embedded subset" no changes are necessary. 2. If one or more font entries do NOT say "embedded" or do NOT say "embedded subset,” go to View Tools Print Production. 3. Click on Preflight. 4. In the PDF fixups section, select the “Embed Fonts” fixup. 5. Click the Analyze and Fix button and save the PDF file with a new name. 6. Confirm that no errors are reported and close the Preflight box. ! i
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